Chimney Maintenance

  • Chimney Repoint – DS773

    After years of weathering, the existing mortar began to break down. Although the surface was quite solid, water had seeped in and soaked the mortar. Behind the surface, the cement had become powdery and porous. By raking out the cement, all of the sand and dust can be removed, to ensure a good …

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  • Concrete Tile Reroof – DS772

    The detached bungalow began to sweat due to the increase of loft insulation and the existing felt was not breathable. We removed the existing tiles and the felt and battens. We installed a new breathable membrane and battens. As the tiles were still in a very good condition, these were reused. …

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  • Natural Slate Roof – DS766

    The two properties had slate roofs and needed reroofing. We removed and disposed of the old slate and battens. We installed a breathable membrane to both roofs along with new battens. The barns gable end was partly recemented to provide a better holding of the verge, and to make the verge strai…

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